Bill Lowcock, Remax Eastern, Lakefield Kawartha Lakes, Stoney Lake, Clear Lake, Buckhorn Lake, Big Bald Lake, Chemong Lake, Big Cedar Lake, Kasshabog Lake, and the Mississauga chain.
Specializing in Rural Residential and Waterfront Properties in the Peterborough County area. We are located at the heart of the Kawartha Lakes area in Lakefield. We edge onto the Canadian shield and our topography ranges from rolling hills to pine covered granite outcrops. Lakes include Stoney Lake, Clear, Buckhorn, Big Bald, Chemong, Big Cedar, Kasshabog, the Mississauga chain and hundreds of smaller inland lakes.
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Maps of the Kawartha Lakes area.

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  I believe that the key to your success in selling or buying is in the accurate exchange of information. If you're looking for the perfect cottage, retreat, waterfront or rural property let us know your wish list.

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Residential Cottages & Waterfront Commercial Vacant

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